How-To Meal Prep At Home

Meal prepping is a great way to save time, money, and stay on track with your nutrition goals. It's also a convenient way to make sure you have healthy and delicious meals ready to go when you're short on time. Here are some meal prep ideas that you can do at home to make your life easier:

  1. Make a big batch of grains: Rice, quinoa, and pasta are all great options for meal prepping. Cook a big batch on the weekend and portion it out into containers for the week. You can then add in different proteins, vegetables, and sauces to make different meals throughout the week.

  2. Prep your protein: Whether it's chicken, fish, tofu, or beans, having your protein prepped and ready to go is a huge time saver. Grill, bake, or pan-fry a big batch of protein on the weekend and store it in the fridge or freezer for easy access during the week.

  3. Cut and wash your vegetables: Cut your vegetables on the weekend and store them in the fridge or freezer so they're ready to go when you need them. This way, when you're ready to cook, you can just grab them and start cooking right away.

  4. Make a big batch of sauce: Make a big batch of sauce, such as marinara or pesto, and store it in the fridge or freezer. This is a great way to add flavor to your meals without having to make a new sauce every time.

  5. Make a big batch of soup: Soup is a great meal prep option because it can be made in advance and stored in the fridge or freezer. It's also easy to customize with different proteins, vegetables, and grains.

  6. Prep your breakfast: Make a big batch of overnight oats, or prepare a big batch of hard-boiled eggs. These options are easy to grab and go, and you can add in your favorite toppings or mix-ins.

  7. Mix and match: Experiment with different combinations of grains, proteins, vegetables, and sauces to create a variety of meals. This way, you'll never get bored with your meal prep routine.

By planning and preparing your meals in advance, you can save time and money while staying on track with your nutrition goals. Give these meal prep ideas a try and see how they can make your life easier.